City Reports

RAS – 2016: Service allotted to candidates; Rajasthan gets 92 RAS and 70 RPS officers

July 2, 2019, 8:50 am

Rajasthan state secretariat building

Jaipur: The Rajasthan government finally allotted service to 760 candidates who passed the RAS – 2016 exam. The state will get 92 Rajasthan administrative service (RAS) and 70 Rajasthan police service (RPS) officers. The candidates have been agitating demanding service allotment for the past nearly two years.

The deadline for reporting for the training at OTS in Jaipur is 11.30 am on Wednesday. Most formalities including police verification and medical examination have already been completed.

RAS-pre exam took place for 725 posts in August 2016. More than 5 lakh candidates appeared in the exam. RAS mains exam was conducted in March 2017. Nearly 15,000 candidates appeared. The final result was announced in October, 2017 after interviews. The RPSC selected 725 candidates. The seats were increased to 760 to accommodate candidates from more backward classes (MBC).

Many candidates left their previous job after they were selected, but the recruitments got stuck due to legal issues.

After taking all the legal options into consideration, the Rajasthan government allotted service to the successful candidates on Monday night.

The candidates organized several protests and demonstrations in Jaipur demanding service allotment.

First published: July 2, 2019