Rajasthan police constable exam 2022 result on police.rajasthan.gov.in this week
Over 18 lakh candidates had appeared in the exam that was held in May and July for 4388 posts of police constables.
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JAIPUR: The police headquarters will release the result for the Rajasthan police constable recruitment exam 2022 this week. All the preparations have been made for the results and it will be released on the Rajasthan police’s official website – police.rajasthan.gov.in, a senior police officer said.
Over 18 lakh candidates had appeared in the exam that was held in May and July for 4388 posts of constables.
“We are cross-checking the results to ensure that there are no last-minute mistakes. Once we do that, we will release the results. The results are ready and will likely be released this week,” said an officer.
The exam was conducted from May 13 to May 16. The exam that was held on May 14 was reconducted on July 2 on suspicion that the paper was leaked. Nearly 2.5 lakh students had to appear in the exam again.
The officer said that the students who are successful in the written exam will be called for a physical test. The successful candidates will get their documents verified before being recruited based on merit.
The minimum qualification marks for the general category candidates are 40%, for OBC category candidates 35%, for SC category candidates 30% and for ST category candidates 25%.
Here is the step-by-step process to check the Rajasthan constable recruitment exam result:
- Step 1: Visit the official Rajasthan police website
Go to police.rajasthan.gov.in where you will find a link Rajasthan Police Constable Recruitment Exam Result.
- Step 2: Enter details
Once you click on the link, you will be redirected to a login page where you will be asked to submit some details including the roll number and date of birth.
- Step 3: Download and print
The result will be available on the next page which you can download in pdf format and take a printout.