City Reports

New water connection rates for apartment, office buildings in Jaipur: Must-know details

Water connection fees will be determined at a rate of Rs 25 per square foot.

April 13, 2023, 9:32 pm

multi storey jaipur

Multi-storey building in Jaipur.

JAIPUR: The state government has announced a new policy to provide water connections for the first time to residents of multi-storey buildings including apartments and office (commercial) buildings. The decision was made during a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, and the policy was formulated on Thursday, with plans for implementation soon.

Here are the new water connection prices in 2023 and some other important details:

New Water Connection PolicyConnection Rates, Details
Connection Fee Rate (Residential)Rs 25 per square foot
Connection Fee Rate (Commercial)
Rs 42 per square foot
Upfront Payment
25% of the connection fee
Installments for Remaining Payment
60 equal installments with 9% interest rate
Lump Sum Payment Discount
5% discount on the total amount
Water Supply Allocation
Per-person basis
Water Supply for Flats ≤ 1,500 sq. ft. (Residential)
5 residents per flat
Water Supply for Flats > 1,500 sq. ft. (Residential)
7 residents per flat
Estimated Water Supply per Person in Jaipur City
155 liters per day

Under the new policy, water connection fees will be determined at a rate of Rs 25 per square foot. Water supply will be allocated based on the number of residents in each building.

For residential multi-story buildings, connection fees will be calculated based on the total carpet area. For example, if a building’s total carpet area is 15,000 square feet, the water connection fee will amount to Rs 3,75,000, payable by the builder or the development committee for the building. Commercial multi-story buildings will be charged at a rate of Rs 42 per square foot.

To secure a connection, the builder or development committee must pay 25% of the connection fee upfront. The remaining 75% will be payable in 60 equal installments with a 9% interest rate. Development committees that opt to pay the entire connection fee upfront will receive a 5% discount on the total amount.

The policy stipulates that water will be supplied on a per-person basis. Flats with a carpet area of 1,500 square feet or less will receive water for five residents per flat, while larger flats will be provided water for seven residents per flat.

For instance, a multi-story building with 20 flats—10 flats at 1,100 square feet each and 10 flats at 1,700 square feet each—would receive water for a total of 120 residents. In Jaipur city, it is estimated that each resident will receive approximately 155 liters of water per day.

First published: April 13, 2023