
Latest gossip from Ranthambore: Has tigress ‘Lightening’ given birth to cubs?

Forest department teams who track the tigers have reported a change in her behavior and didn’t rule out the possibility that she had her first litter recently. The cubs are however yet to be spotted or caught on trap cameras.

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February 1, 2018, 11:04 am


Representative image.

Jaipur: T-83, granddaughter of the legendary Ranthambore tigress Machhali, has become the cause of widespread speculations among wildlife enthusiasts these days. The tigress is popularly known as ‘Lightening’.

Forest department teams who track the tigers have reported a change in her behavior and didn’t rule out the possibility that she had her first litter recently. The cubs are however yet to be spotted or caught on trap cameras.

“The tigress is nearly three and a half years old and was spotted with male tiger T-86 many times recently. We were hopeful that she would become a mother soon and it seems she has littered,” a senior Ranthambore tiger project officer told The PinkCity Post.

He added that some changes in the tigress’s body and behavior have been noticed. “She is behaving like a mother, so there is a possibility that she recently had her first litter,” said the officer.

Though no one has seen the cubs, the change being noticed in the tigress these days has paved the way for speculations among wildlife lovers, guides and Ranthambore officials.

“We would be able to say for sure only when we spot the cubs,” the officer said.

Since the tigress’s territory is on the peripheral area of the reserve, she has become one of the most favorite majestic cats of Ranthambore.

In November last year, the tigress fell into an open well, but was rescued.

ranthambore tigress lightening

Ranthambore tigress Lightening fell into a well. File Photo

Currently, there are more than 65 tigers in Ranthambore. It is one of the largest national parks in northern India, covering an area of 392 km and situated in the Sawai Madhopur district of southeastern Rajasthan.

The flora of the park includes 539 species of flowering plants hence is a treat for nature lovers.

First published: December 30, 2017