RAS prelims 2018 exam answer key released; here is how to check
The candidates can file an objection to any question or answer online from August 11 to August 13. A separate link has been provided on the website for this.
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Jaipur: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) on Thursday released the answer key for RAS (Rajasthan Administrative Service) prelims exam 2018 which was conducted in the state on August 5.
Candidates can download the answer keys from the official website of RPSC i.e. www.rpsc.gov.in
The candidates can file an objection to any question or answer online from August 11 to August 13. A separate link has been provided on the website for this. Candidates filling an objection will need to pay Rs 100 for evaluation of each question. Candidate will have to upload proof of their objection to the ‘Question Objection Link’.
Question number 106 of the RAS prelims exam paper has been removed due to some mistake. All the candidates will get a bonus mark for that question.
The RAS prelims 2018 exam was conducted on August 5 at 1454 centers in Rajasthan. More than 3 Lakh candidates had appeared in the exam for 980 Vacancies.
Steps to download answer key of RAS prelims 2018
- Visit the official website of RPSC rpsc.gov.in
- On the dashboard, click on the ‘Candidate Information’
- You will find an option ‘Answer keys’ after clicking on the candidate info link.
- A list of answer keys of the various exams will open up.
- Now go to the ‘Answer Key for Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp. (PRE) Exam – 2018’ to download the answer key for Non-TSP.
- For TSP, go to the ‘Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp (TSP) Exam 2018’
- Take the printout for reference.
- For objection on any question or answer visit https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/signin