City Reports

RAS exam 2018 admit card released: Here is how to download

Once the download link is available, you can download the admit card from the RPSC website’s exam dashboard:

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July 30, 2018, 10:13 am


Jaipur: RPSC has RAS exam 2018 admits cards available for download. The download link is available on RPSC website as well as the Rajasthan government’s Single Sign on website. You can download the admit card from the RPSC website’s exam dashboard.

Here is the step-by-step process to download RAS 2018 exam admit cards:

  • Go to RPSC website. Here is the link:
  • In the menu, you will find candidate information. In the drop down click on ‘exam dashboard’. The page will one to a new link:
  • On this page, you will find a table of various exams being conducted by RPSC
  • The name of the exam is Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp (TSP) Exam – 2018 and Raj. State and Sub. Services Comb. Comp. Exam – 2018
  • On the right side, go to the column under Admit Card.
  • Click on this link and then fill in the details including your application ID and date of birth to download your admit card.

The second option is to go to

In the recruitment portal on this site, you can fill in the same details and get your admit card.

Confusion regarding RAS prelims exam’s date was cleared on Wednesday when RPSC confirmed the date to be August 5. Admission cards will soon be issued to the students online.

There are 1017 vacancies for which more than 5 lakh people have enrolled. On average, for one vacancy around 492 aspirants will be fighting. RPSC had set up 1454 centres in the state on subdivision and district level for the exam.

More than 80% proceedings of the exams have been done. Printing of papers will be happening non -stop for two days and will be simultaneously sent to different centres, as there is less time left. Prior, in the absence of appointed head, the preparation related to the exams was on hold but now all the things are proceeding in rapid speed.  Department called computer technicians and long established officials for the easy and secure movement of the exam process. All the District collectors and ASP’s have been commanded to start the arrangements soon and to finish all the work on time.

According to the sources, RPSC chairman Deepak Upreti met CM Vasundhra Raje on Wednesday and the department decided to conduct the exam on pre-arranged date, August 5th.  Soon after the order, preparations started. Department will also conduct TSP (Tribal sub plan) and Non TSP areas exams simultaneously.

Many candidates complained of delay in releasing the e admit cards as the exam is just seven days away now.

First published: July 29, 2018
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